A Soothing Spa Day Doesn’t Have to Be Just For The Adults For any of us who have spent the day, or even a few hours, at a spa
Creating A Kid-Friendly Sensory Spa at Home

A Soothing Spa Day Doesn’t Have to Be Just For The Adults For any of us who have spent the day, or even a few hours, at a spa
Setting Our Kids Up For Success in Uncertain Times To say it’s been a strange school year is probably the ultimate understatement. With so many of our kiddos being bounced
How A Supportive Monthly or Weekly Calendar Is Key To Happy Kids Imagine for a moment that you wake up one morning. You get out of bed, grab a cup
Take Therapy Outside With These Fun, Wintertime Activities! We’re in the middle of the snow and cold here in the Midwest and while our first thought isn’t, “Let’s get outside!”,